Club magazine »Der Deutsche Spitz«
:: The current issue of »Der Deutsche Spitz« No. 266 is availbable now ::
The club magazine »Der Deutsche Spitz« (DDS)
is produced quarterly and sent to all club members. The price is
included in the yearly membership fee.
The magazine contains news
from the groups, show information and other club activities. Also
provided is information about upcoming breed show dates and the
unabridged judge reports of recent shows.
Since 1997 there have been
various special editions which concentrate on one of the spitz varieties.
These can be bought for EUR 4,00 (international EUR 6,00).
»Der Deutsche Spitz«
Angerstraße 5
D - 86179 Augsburg
Tel: +49 (0)8 21 - 81 29
E-Mail: → or:
Spitz-Information - 72 pages in color (only available in german language)
You can find some interesting articles form older editions of DDS here as a PDF- Download (in brackets is the issue no. of DDS - available in german language only )
Breeding and health
Verlauf von Black Skin Disease
(DDS 179)
• Zwischen
Erfahrungsschatz und DNA-Test (DDS 197)
Und plötzlich ist mein
Spitz alt? (DDS 200)
PHPT - Fortschritte in der DNA-Forschung (DDS 202)
BARF - Modetrend oder ernst zu
nehmende Alternative? (DDS 207)
Dr. Pfeiffer: War
"Fifi" der Vater? (DDS 203)
PRA - Progressive Retinaatrophie
(DDS 226)
Internationale Zuchtschau
in St.Petersburg/Russland (DDS179)
Spitze in Helsinki
(DDS 182)
• 15
Jahre Spitze in Parey - 2006
Ausstellung in
Helsinki/Finnland (DDS 196)
Hond von het Jaar
Show 2006 (DDS 196)
World Dog Show 2008 Stockholm (DDS 201)
Euro Dog Show 2008 Budapest
(DDS 202)
• World Dog
Show 2009 Bratislava (DDS 206)
Spitze in Kiew/Ukraine
(DDS 212)
• Weltsieger
Ausstellung Salzburg 2012 (DDS 216)
Generalversammlungen 1900-2010
• Therapiespitz
(DDS 207)
• 20
Jahre Japan-Spitz (DDS 200)
Nachruf Irene Weitz
(DDS 201)
• Ein
weißer Kleinspitz (DDS 198)
Ein Pomeranian im Jahr
1764 (DDS 207)
Top Spitze 2009
(DDS 207)
• Informationen:
Peta-Aktion gegen Welpenhandeln, Gift: Schokolade, Urlaub: Nicht ohne
Chip, Hunderetter (DDS 212)
Club Magazine binders
Rugged construction with
metal clips to store up to 10 magazine and printed on the front and rear
with the club emblem.
• one binder incl. postage EUR 7,-
• 2
binders incl. postage EUR 12,-
• 3 binders incl. postage EUR 18,-
• further binders each 4,- Euro
Payment is by check or postage stamp only.
Ordering address:
Claudia Holtmann
Suerburgstraße 3
D - 49324 Melle
Tel: 0 54 22 - 21 49
DDS - Cover pictures of past issues | ||